Hello My Lovelies
These are some of the things we have gotten up to over the summer and into the autumn months - i did promise you some pics. I haven't added the all because you'd be sick of them :)
We started exercising ... Jonathan loves to join in too! |
hehe a picture taken while doing pushups - I hate them! |
have you ever had something that has made you laugh so hard? well this was something for me. My husband likes to play the playstation so when I go to bed he stays downstairs. I feel the need to hug something so I informed him that I had replaced him with Big Ted ... went upstairs the following day and saw this! had me in fits of giggles
Went up the next day and saw this - this one made me laugh but i wasn't expecting it so it did make me jump
and the third day i walked into my bedroom and could here a noise in the ensuite ... opened the door to this!
monkey and I made some jam - it was our first attempt so we were very pleased, although we shouldnt have boiled it so much.

oh yes we also had my monkey starting school!!!!!! I can't believe how bog he is getting! Thankfully he LOVES it!
And of course there have to be our Friday treats - we cant live without those.
We have a reading chair that looks so comfy and Jonathan will sit up and read for sometimes an hour!
What do you think?
What do you think?
The blanket on the back of the chair isn't finished yet - it's being made out of Jonathan's baby clothes. Why not make one yourslef? make it out of clothes you love but want to keep, beats having them stuck in a box in the attic!
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